Friday, June 1, 2012

Red Flags

uttering her name you fell completely
unaware how the sonant curved into a warning
planting a seed of sadness in your heart
only to blossom majestically

its thirst quenched with tears ---
tendrils enveloping the organ
powerless to contain the burgeoning
darkness within

like a flock of birds with fractured wings
struggling, beating mercilessly
through your cage of blood and bone
poised for flight

in the stillness of the night.

Night terrors are the pits.


  1. Why so sad fair maiden? Let not the heart shiver. If the trail shows nothing but icicles, sharp and cold, pull up the sail, change course towards the warm.

  2. Such beautiful words, Anonymous. We write to release the sadness, in the hope that some other repository would momentarily keep it locked, giving the persona the gift of respite.

    You are very poetic. Care to share some of your writings?

  3. Sometimes the Id escapes and oversteps the ego, spewing literaries without inhibitions. An event envied by the hididen persona wanting to escape the norms imposed by homophobic society.

  4. Sometimes we hide behind the metaphors. And always, the fictive. Often, they hold more truth than what they are given credit for.

  5. Unabashed truth, that which promises freedom, comes with high price. Something that moral slaves can not afford but long for. A reason for living, a reason for striving -- hoping one day a caged bird can bask under the warm sun.

    1. Sad, truly, when we have to hide from our truths to be able to live. To always struggle in a world where you very much belong.

  6. The world maybe be cruel but the cage imprisoning the rare spirit is self built. A prison with love as foundation, reinforced by fear of hurting those we hold dear. Thus societal alienation is a choice. An attempt to be selfless, a struggle to deny one's happiness for those who occupy the heart.


Say something! And you don't even have to rhyme or wax poetic.