Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fuel to the fire

Iced Caramel Latte for Tata!

Thank you.

The dearly consumed designer coffee procured at a price much more extravagant for her absence of income borders between categories of folly versus fancy versus But I need something to make me feel better and What won't you give to feel better over the lack of writing? As if saying such a thing would bring the mojo back, would make her actually want to sit down and write.

Perhaps she shouldn't be so worried about the writing and seemingly lack of desire to create, i.e., unfinished painting in the dining area arranged so that she could pick up where she left of. Perhaps because it means she is much happier elsewhere yet finds herself pining for sadness to fuel her art.

And asks the question ---

What to do should you find the universe conspiring to grant your fucked-up wish?

Semi-shitty past couple of months in the writing world (mine, that is.) 

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