Monday, April 9, 2012

Internet zen, what?

When I was in my early 20s (yesss... how old are you again, you devil?) I was all over the World Wide Web. I had a Friendster account; then a Facebook page; some students and a few friends cajoled me into starting a Multiply account; and yes, I had a couple of blogs. I think I used to have a Wordpress blog and another at its sister site, Blog (how original, no?). Oh, and let's not forget I used to have a Twitter account as well. Amidst all the hullabaloo, and that one fateful night of several unanswered texts and a couple rejected calls, I got the bright idea to practice Internet zen, which meant limiting my online carbon footprint to just my now defunct blog, The Renaissance Chick.

That was, give or take, three years ago when being online meant a huge pain in the backside. The hassle of having multiple online repositories was getting on my nerves and I soon came to start forgetting usernames and passwords. Plus, allow me to be a little vain here, I wanted to get rid of incriminating, unflattering and fugly photos of me. And so, I deleted my Facebook and Friendster accounts, and my Wordpress blog, which I couldn't open anymore having forgotten my username and password. I was now left with a Twitter account that already was on the road to extinction, and my blog, The Renaissance Chick. I stopped tweeting soon enough, deleted my account and concentrated on just my blog. But I had to delete that for reasons that I most eloquently state here.

The Multiply account was relegated to the back burner but has recently made a silent comeback. After three years, I remembered my username and password! What a miracle, eh?

Fast forward to the present. I've signed up on Twitter (again!) at the start of the year and have begun to tweet like a mad woman. I am loving this blog (Oh, yes, yes, yes... I am loving Twitter, too. Hell, yeah!) and because I needed a space to post my photos and my random and sometimes of little import notes on life, love and everything in between which would otherwise be too short and a total waste of space to post on this blog --- I've signed up on Tumblr.

Stomach, meet somersaults.

Whoopdedoo! I've posted some photos of my recent trip to lalaland because my mother has been bugging me to show her the photos for weeks. I will be posting some quotes that strike me funny or simply have struck a chord in me or tugged at my heartstrings. And of course, my notes and observations on my wonderful life, conundrum, what have you. I've posted the link somewhere in this blog for you curious cats.

So there. What happened to all my Internet zen bullshit? Wait, is that a rhetorical question?

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